‘Bake Off’ 2013 – a real team effort!

An event that is now set to become an annual event proved to be a massive success yesterday, I am thrilled to be able to tell you. Once again, the staff of showed what a fantastically caring and giving bunch of people they are. Whether it’s work or play we go that extra mile to achieve the very best we can.
As you will already know, at we have two charities that are very close to our hearts – and Many of my colleagues have run the Bupa Birmingham Half Marathon twice now, however, my colleague Vanessa and I feel that we ‘do’ cake much better than we run so in 2012 the Bake Off was born.

We hold the event in the Reception area of our head office at Grosvenor House in Redditch, and we are supported by all the companies in the building, our colleagues and members of the public – we advertise in local newspapers.
As well as the cakes, we raffled a Christmas Hamper, chocolates and champagne and other goodies.
Last year we were really delighted with the £383 we raised to share between the charities and hoped to improve on that figure a bit this year. Over the weekend we set too, baking and baking and baking! Many of our colleagues were doing the same thing to ensure that we had plenty of cake to sell and I have to say that I have some very talented colleagues! We already know that we are the best in the business when it comes to selling cruises but let me tell you, we have hidden talents in our midst.

James, IT Team, makes world class Banoffee Pie with berry coulis. Laura, Rivers Marketing Executive, makes fantastic cake pops – Reuben’s Retreat and ‘Drew’ themed. Megan, Katie and Jordan, Online Marketing Apprentices, have missed their true vocation and should open a bakery selling their very professional muffins and cupcakes, and Lisa West, Specialist Cruise Consultant, well, her Lemon Drizzle Cake is the stuff that legends are made of. Vanessa Behan, Product Marketing Manager makes possibly the best Orange Spice Cake you have ever eaten, while Naomi Smith our Customer Relations Manager surpassed herself with her Flapjack. Family members also contributed and helped to make the event the huge success that it was.

So how much did we make? A staggering £600.00 which is more than we could ever have dreamed of. A huge thank you must go to everyone who supported us and by doing so enabled us to support these two very special charities.
Roll on ‘Bake Off’ 2014!!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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