The ABC of river cruising…………….

Bonn Minster

I’m of to Bonn in Germany tomorrow for a few days, visiting a good friend of mine so I am really looking forward to it. I have been twice before, last December when the Christmas Markets were in full swing, and again in February when Cologne Carnival weekend was taking place. Obviously there was lots to see and do on both occasions, but nothing spectacular is scheduled for the coming week and the weather forecast isn’t great either so I think it will be a case of sightseeing in the rain. I have researched and there seems to be plenty to see and do – lots of churches and castles if nothing else, which I quite enjoy.

Cologne Cathedral

Obviously the cities of Bonn and Cologne feature on most Rhine river cruise itineraries as they sit on the river so I am keen to have a good look round to see how appealing they will be for my clients who fancy a Rhine cruise. I am also keen to see what there is of interest if you are not a fan of churches and castles too! Or is that all there is to see?
There is a funny saying among river cruisers which always makes me chuckle – “here we go again – ABC!!!” it is something you tend to hear people muttering while you are on a walking tour round a German city or on the coach en route to see a castle, and it stands for “another bloody church” or “another bloody castle!” I have always assumed it is said affectionately although if I’m honest you do get to see a lot of churches and castles on these tours.
Is it the same with Ocean cruising if you opt for the run of the mill ‘city tour’? I suppose it is really. The tour guides seem to assume that history is the only thing of interest and sometimes they go into way too much detail. I nearly slid into a coma while doing a recent city tour of Venice in August. I think the tour guide thought we were all doing a masters degree in Venetian history, not merely tourists wanting a light-hearted look around her beautiful city.
What do you think? Are city tours only for history buffs?
I shall be looking for more modern places of interest while I am away and will let you know how I got on when I get back.
Catch you soon!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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