A bit of advice for river cruisers on the Rhine – or, ‘Beware the cycle lanes’!!

So here I am in Bonn, all set to do a bit of research for my clients who are set to do a Rhine river cruise over the next few months, places to see, places of interest, ‘must do’s’ etc, but instead I feel is is paramount to offer a word of caution instead.
Having visited Germany a few times now you would think that I would be well aware of their ‘cycle lanes’ in the big cities – but no! Yet again on this visit I have nearly met my Maker on several occasions.
how can Germany be worse than Holland I hear you ask?
In Amsterdam, there are cars, trams and bicycles hurtling towards you at every turn. the city is a veritable death trap in my opinion, but at least the Dutch tend to have a bell on their bike which they ring as they hurtle towards you, if only to let you know that certain death or at the very least life threatening injuries are only seconds away.
The difference with Germany and its cycle lanes is that they are often disguised as something else and you don’t always realise you are walking right down the middle of one. I have popped some photos below so you can see what I mean.

 They are very carefully disguised – as part of the pavement, or a pedestrian crossing, or worse still a zebra crossing with just the occasional blue circle with a bike in it to warn you, and unlike the Dutch – NO BELLS on their bikes. They just hurtle towards you with no intention of stopping whatever crosses their path!

So, dear river cruisers, don’t say I didn’t warn you! Go on a Rhine cruise – you will love it! Go on the excursions on offer – you will enjoy them, but dear river cruisers – BEWARE THE CYCLE LANES!!
Is it just Germany? If anyone out there has had similar experiences in other European cities perhaps you would care to share with us…….
if you still feel like braving the cities along the Rhine and would like more information about Rhine cruises then please feel free to contact me on 0800 048 6084.

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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