A day to remember in more ways than one!

You made it Rhys!

Sunday 20th October 2013 is a day that I will remember for ever. It is the day that the least athletic of my three offspring ran, and completed, the Birmingham BUPA Half Marathon. I am always proud of my kids achievements but I actually thought my chest was going to explode with pride on Sunday when Rhys crossed the finishing line. He has never been a sporty lad but he has been very disciplined with his training over the summer and it really paid off – not exactly a world class performance but a huge personal achievement, finishing in two hours and forty three minutes he was number 13,261 out of 20,000 runners.

Simon and Lou ready for the off!

Rhys was running with his colleagues from the IT firm where he works to raise money for Birmingham Childrens Hospital where Rhys had several major operations as a baby and young child so it is a cause close to his heart. It gave him the opportunity to help the hospital that helped him all those years ago.
Also running were several of my colleagues from Cruise.co. They were running to raise money for ULegend, the Sarcoma charity set up by our dear colleague Drew who lost his battle against the disease in October 2012.

As you know, we love a day out at Cruise.co, so there were plenty of us there to offer our support, shouting loudly along the route. You could probably hear us miles away!
As always the atmosphere was fantastic, bands playing along the route, supporters cheering everyone on. Its great because everyone has their names on their chest so you can cheer people on by name even if you don’t know them and just hearing their name called out really spurs them on. It is also lovely that when a runner appears to be struggling the whole crowd gets behind them and gives them huge encouragement. The whole event restores your faith in human nature.
So there you go, a great day out, some money raised for excellent causes, and another event that proves that here at Cruise.co we are so much more than just another cruise agency. We are a fantastic community minded bunch of people who always go the extra mile what ever we are doing.
If you are in training for a marathon or a major sporting event and you are worried that your up and coming cruise might interrupt your training schedule, fear not, all ships have fully equipped gyms and running tracks, so no excuses!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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