The ‘must do port’ in 2014 is VENICE!!


Why? Quite simply because Venice is cracking down on the number of cruise ships they are allowing in to Venice with immediate effect, and they are completely banning ships over 96,000 gross tonnes from November 2014.
Venice is one of the worlds most popular cruise ports and one that I was lucky enough to sail into in August this year on Europa 2. It was 7am and I had a glass of champagne in my hand as we approached, something that I will always remember, a truly beautiful sight.

Residents and environmentalist have been campaigning for some time now to limit the size and number of ships sailing into Venice lagoon, especially the area near Saint Marks Square, as she is a very fragile city.
The Mayor of Venice, Giorgio Orsoni, said that residents had had enough of these mega ships and he was thrilled that there will now be clear limits on the size of ships and number of ships allowed to enter Venice. Let’s see how this pans out when the residents notice a sharp decline in revenue bought in by the cruise ships passengers!
Anyway folks, which ever way you look at it, unless you are prepared to book a cruise on one of the smaller, luxury ships in the future which will cost you significantly more than one of the mainstream cruise lines, you will need to book as soon as possible for 2014 because these changes are going to prevent the like of many of the bigger Royal Caribbean, NCL and P&O ships from calling there. Don’t leave it thinking you will get a last minute deal – any larger cruise ship that is scheduled to call at Venice in 2014 is going to get booked up, believe me!
To get your cruise to Venice booked just give me a call on 0800 408 6084 and as always I’ll be more than happy to help you.

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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