Don”t watch this if you are a nervous sailor!

Just a bit of Friday night fun really, and for those ‘seasoned cruisers’ amongs you – you probably won’t bat an eyelid. You will probably have sailed in rougher seas, however for ‘new to cruising’ folks or nervous sailors you are probably best to skip to the next post.
It is a fairly rare occurrence for ships to hit seas this rough, and of course one must take into account that there is always a serious side to these events – people can be injured on occasion.
This clip, set to music, is a look from a more light-hearted perspective showing the goings on inside a cruise ship on rough seas – and remember, on the majority of cruises it will be plain sailing all the way!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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