Don’t Dilly Dally – Book Your Cruise This Week! Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You!

It’s crunch time folks, make you mind up time so to speak, as the cruise lines New Year sales will be finishing on the 28th February, this coming Friday
That means the Free Parking, Drinks Packages, extra On Board Credit and Early Booking Discounts will all be over
Many people have bagged themselves an excellent deal already this year but quite a few are holding back, waiting for that elusive deal – well dally no longer folks because the deal is here and now, not next week

The complimentary Classic Drinks Package alone is worth $55 per person per day – do you want to be having to stint on the drinks on your cruise this summer while all around you are people without that concern? I thought not!
Do you want to be monitoring your on board account closely for fear of over-spending while others have hundreds of pounds of On Board Credit at their disposal? Of course you don’t!
Can you imagine sitting at dinner surrounded by all these people who have got free parking and had their Gratuities paid for them? Enough to put you off your food isn’t it?
You can hold out for the last minute prices if you like but remember, you won’t be able to chose your cabin or the deck you are on, you won’t necessarily get the dinner sitting of your choice, you won’t be able to get complimentary coach shuttles when in port and you won’t get any of the benefits I mention above
My advice? That cruise you have been mulling over for the summer – book it this week – you know you want to!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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