Vivalto or Voluto Mr Clooney? Er, give me a minute!

So there I am, waking up in my lovely suite in my enormous bed for the first time on Europa 2 last August, and I thought ‘I’ll make myself a nice cup of coffee in that swanky machine and drink it on my balcony’. Twenty minutes later I am still scratching my head! I couldn’t work out where to put the pod, or how to fill the water up, and it never looks that complicated in those coffee ad’s featuring the Gorgeous George, he definitely doesn’t seem to have a problem.

Unfortunately I seem to have mislaid Georges number so I had to soldier on alone. If I had to make one criticism about my wonderful cruise with Hapag Lloyd, and it would only be one, it would be that a manual for said machine in the bumpf in the cabin would have been useful.
Eventually I sussed it out, pulling a silver lever backwards over the machine which revealed a home for the pod and the water reservoir – success!
A lovely selection of coffee’s is restocked twice daily along with your in-suite mini bar, all of which is complimentary – I should think so too with a cruise costing from 3,300 euro per person per week!
I’m glad I persevered as I needed my morning fix of caffeine after long nights of partying and busy days ahead.

P&O always supply kettles in cabins but this was a much nicer and more contemporary way of doing things I thought. Nice to be able to have a drink and not have to wait until you get to breakfast.
It was just a shame George wasn’t there to share the experience with me as I’m sure he would have enjoyed it as much as I did. I gather he enjoys a good Voluto!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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