Will you be booking early for your next cruise?

As March progresses thoughts as always around this time of year turn to launch which always happens in April. The cruise lines are already starting to send us their itineraries and prices for 2013 – 2014. It is always exciting to see where the ships will be sailing from and their new itineraries and ports of call, and its especially great to see new ships departing the UK.
Each year more ships seem to be moving to the UK for part of the season. This is great for people who would rather not fly as it opens up the options for them and allows them to try something different.
Normally we are overwhelmed by the amount of clients who pre-register with us so that we can book their chosen cruise on the day it goes on sale. This way they can benefit from early booking discounts, on board credit and free parking offers aswell as knowing that they have got the cabin of their choice. However, in view of the way that some of the cruise lines have been slashing prices this year I am beginning to wonder whether people will forego a particular cabin and a bit of on board spend, and wait to book nearer the time of their chosen cruise. The difference in price is proving to be so vast that ‘early bookers’ and people who had traditionally been loyal to a certain cruise line are incensed, and because of the timing of the price cuts on cruises it is not beneficial to cancel and rebook at the lower price. I think many people are going to be voting with their feet over the next couple of years unless the cruise lines change the way they do their pricing and re-pricing. Watch this space! I think they need to lower their initial prices when they launch their new brochures and stick to that pricing come what may. What do you think? And how and when do you intend to book your next cruise? Will you be booking later than usual for 2013 – 14?

One Comment on “Will you be booking early for your next cruise?

  1. You have said it all Hannah. The writing should soon be on the wall for the cruise companies who, to date, appear to have ridden roughshod with apparent impunity once they have pocketed customer’s money.

    Passengers are not daft though – once bitten as they say. They will not be ripped off twice!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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