How does your garden grow?

Truth be told, I’m not the geatest of gardeners. I have quite a big garden, most of which is lawn and just a few flower beds and trees so no great skill required although I often wish that I had more time to spend in it so that I could make it more special.
When I woke up to see the sun shining this morning I couldn’t wait to get out there to start having a post winter tidy up as the flower beds are looking very sad indeed.
Tonight I’m feeling very satisfied with my efforts. I’ve weeded and pruned and even done a bit of digging. One of my boys mowed the lawn for me too and I must admit that the garden is now looking a bit more ship shape. Plenty still to do but we have made progress. I’m off to the fencing suppliers on my day off this week to order some trellis to put along the one side of my decking area and I’m going to train an already established honeysuckle along it over the summer.
For those of you with more experience, who really are keen gardeners, did you know that you can combine your love of gardening with cruising? Strange but true!
For many years now have been organising Garden Cruises on Fred Olsens ships heading to fabulous destinations all over the world. We negotiate special rates with Freds for these cruises so you will always get a good price for your cruise, along with extras such as on board spend, free parking, free shore excursions on one or two days and you will be accompanied by a well known ‘celebrity gardener’ who will throw drinks parties and give talks about gardening.
As I say, these cruises go to all sorts of destinations, so if you would like more information please take a look at, or give me a call on 0800 408 6084 and I will be happy to tell you what is on offer.
By the way, the garden pictured above is not mine! It is Beth Chattos garden, one of many visited by our Garden Cruisers over the years. I have a long way to go before I can compete with this.

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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