Complimentary Upgrades?

At, in order to ensure that we have dotted the I’s and crossed the T’s, we go through a very thorough checklist at the end of each booking we make, with the client. We do this to ensure that the client knows everything they need to know and is happy with what we have booked and it also serves as a checklist for us too, to ensure that we have done what is required of us so that our clients booking and travel plans run smoothly.

One of the questions we ask is “If the cruise line offers you a complimentary upgrade, would you be happy to accept?” Many people say yes, a few decline as they are happy with the cabin they have booked and would not want to risk moving to a cabin in a position they are not happy with.
Two important things to note here. Firstly, if you are upgrade it will definitely be to a cabin of a superior grade to the one that you have booked – however, you may be on a lower deck. For example, if you were moved from an inside cabin to an Ocean View cabin, your original inside cabin may be on Deck Ten, but an Ocean View cabin would probbably be on Decks Two or Three. If you book a midship Ocean View cabin and are upgraded to the lead in grade of Balcony cabin, you could well find your balcony is very forward or very aft. It could be overlooked or in the shade. You cannot request the posiiton of your cabin if upgraded so think carefully before you accept.
The second thing to note is that we only ask the question incase the cruise line upgrades you. We do stress the word ‘IF’. The complimentary upgrades come from the cruise lines, not your travel agent. We have no influence over who is upgraded and who isn’t. So many times I get calls and emails from clients asking why they haven’t been upgraded yet, or when will they get their upgrade. Nothing is a given. It’s Pot Luck.
Again, the golden rule – only book a cabin in a grade that you would be happy with. Do not book an Inside if you would only settle for an Ocean View. Book the cabin that you would be happy to spend your cruise in!

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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