Secret Life of a Cruise Consultant….. continued

So what do I like to do best when I am not selling cruises? One of my favourite pastimes is watching my youngest son play cricket for Alvechurch and Hopwood Cricket Club, he is passionate about the game and I really enjoy watching him.
I prefer watching him play cricket to rugby as the weather is much warmer during the cricket season. I can sit on the boundary in my deckchair with a flask of coffee and some cake and thoroughly enjoy the whole thing and I’m not suffering from acute hypothermia as I usually am when I watched him play rugby during the winter!

We played against Old Edwardians last Monday night and won but tonights match against Bromsgrove is going to be a tough one. Our two best Under 16 players are not available tonight and Bromsgrove are a tough team to beat anyway. I do hope we win as 16 year old lads have a tendency to sulk when they lose.
I’m looking forward to a couple of hours chilling out after a busy day at the office. I think that people are suddenly thinking about their cruise plans for the summer now that the sun has finally got its hat on. There are loads of great deals to be had at the moment, so if you need some inspiration take a look here while I’m enjoying the cricket. If you see anything that takes your eye just give me a call tomorrow on 0800 408 6084. I’ll be in the office between 9 – 4pm.

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About Me

I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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