A Diamond Weekend All Round!

So the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations reach their climax this weekend, and I for one am thoroughly looking forward to the whole thing. We kicked of celebrations in the office today with some nibbles and Pimms at lunchtime which was lovely. Some of the girls had also decorated the office with union jacks and balloons so we felt very ‘festive’ all day.
Sunday I will be having friends over for lunch – hopefully in the garden if the weather is fine. Fingers crossed for that, and then on Monday my village, Alvechurch, is having a party in our park, The Meadows,  from 11am onwards. The local Am Dram group are doing a performance and our village Morris Dancers will be waving their fertility sticks about, say no more.
During the evening the festivities will move ‘next door’ to the cricket club where I will be doing my best impersonation of Bet Lynch while serving drinks on the bar! Any tips on pouring a decent pint will be most welcome.
Today I have been speaking to some of my clients who are sailing on one or other of the Cunard ships on Tuesday. As you probably know all three ships will be sailing from Southampton together during the late afternoon. One of my clients, who is sailing on QM2 on Tuesday is actually getting up in the early hours to join friends on a small boat to see the three ships arrive in Southampton! Fair play to him.
For those of you with no plans, if you have still to book a cruise then do give us a call this Bank Holiday weekend as there are some absolutely belting deals to be had from many of the cruise lines. Royal and Celebrity are offering extra on board credit, P&O and Cunard are offering onboard credit AND free parking, and MSC has some prices so low that you could do a weeks fly/cruise for less than the price of a wet weekend at Butlins!
I’m in all day tomorrow so feel free to call me on 0800 408 6084. Looking forward to speaking to you.

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I've been a Cruise Consultant for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it is just the best job ever. No two days are the same. I have got to know some fantastic people through the course of my job, both in the industry and clients,…

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