Sir Terrys comments ‘Costa alotta offence’?

My old mukka Sir Terry of Wogan has rocked a few peoples boats it would seem with comments he made on his Sunday morning show just nine days after the Costa Concordia disaster in January. Having opened his show with the ’70’s hit “Rock your Boat” he then made a comment about ‘Captain Coward’ and said that if the BBC were a sinking ship he would be ‘first off – never mind the women and children, and I’m not even Italian”.

These comments, which I suppose were a little near the knuckle, were said in Sir Terrys usual self-deprecating manner, and to those who know him well they were no more than his usual type of jibe at himself and his own cowardice rather than an attempt to cause offence to anyone. However, due to complaints received from seven people – yes, seven people “The editorial complaints unit investigated the complaint in relation to the BBC’s editorial guidelines concerning harm and offence. They agreed that the choice of song and the presenter’s remarks had been inappropriate and ran the risk of causing offence.”
Please would someone tell me that this committee has something better to do! Sir Terry is a national treasure, a man who would never intentionally cause offence to anyone, apart from ‘Deadly’ on the odd occasion. There is some complete and utter rubbish on TV and radio these days and far more offensive people appearing in these shows, people who lack any real talent. Maybe the editorial complaints commision should learn to prioritise.
On the plus side there are plenty of ships still afloat on the worlds oceans, ships with excellent safety records I might add, so if you think that cruising might float your boat please don’t hesitate to give me a call and I will be delighted to help you arrange your cruise. For those of you who still don’t feel ready to sail the seven seas then why not consider a river cruise? River cruising is a firm favourite of mine and something that I would heartily recommend to anyone. Call me on 0800 408 6084 and I will be happy to share what I know with you!

One Comment on “Sir Terrys comments ‘Costa alotta offence’?

  1. Typical of Terry Wogan. I can’t stand the man. He has an ego as big as Mount Everest. Just an ignorant person who has come from nowhere and been in the right place at the right time. Irish Rubbish that’s my opinion of him. The sooner he retires the better—but this wont be for a long time he likes the money too much!!!!

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