There She Blows!!!

“There she blows!-there she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is Moby Dick!”

You may be thinking what on earth is he talking about and why on earth is he quoting from the classic novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, and I wouldn’t blame you if you were.  But these are the first thoughts I had this week when I saw the newly released ship design from MSC Cruises.

Due to sail the seas from 2022 the new ship design has a new clearly defined feature, her rather large bulbous nose, and I shall admit the first thing I thought on seeing this was that it looked like a Beluga whale, all be it a rather large one.  Now I have had chance to have a look at the image a few more times and at first, I wasn’t convinced, as the look isn’t exactly the norm for a cruise ship, but I have been persuaded.  I think looking the ship she is certainly going to get noticed, and if you see her moored in port, she is going to be a ship you will probably want to get more information on.  Which for MSC will be a good thing.

As more information on the ship becomes released as to the features she will be hosting etc, it will be interesting to see if the larger nose has a porpoise (mistake/pun intended), as there must be a reason for this.  One thing is for certain there will be no iconic moments at like from the film about the famous ship that shall not be named that starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet where they were ‘flying’ whilst stood on the railings at the front of the ship.

Have a look at the below image for yourself, what are your thoughts on the new design?

About Me

Hi Cruisers.  About me..??  Well I like long walks on the beach, fried chicken and fine wine... Oh sorry, wrong website, this isn't a dating site.  Although, if your looking for love why not check out our forums ;) Sorry, I digress.  Back to the job in hand George. Well…

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