The Challenge for 2016 – 15345 Miles

As we start the new year, like most we all decide on those fateful new years resolutions, some realistic and others not.

I didn’t make any this year as I knew they would all be broken by the 02nd of January so there seemed no point.

I have however, set my own personal challenges for the year and intend to stick to this type of change as it will be more realistic to reach than the normal resolutions I normally make.

I am not going to diet, I am just going to eat healthier. I am not going to join a gym and then never go, I am just going to do more daily activity and walking. I live in Spain so there is no reason not for me to go out and enjoy the fantastic weather that we have here and the beautiful fresh produce right on my doorstep. have set a team challenge and one that I am very happy to participate in, especially as it means putting a bit more effort in to my normal daily activity and encouraging me to have that 15 minute break away from the computer.

In 2015 grew not just in the UK but overseas too, with a new team based in Dublin for the growing Irish market. Then an office opening in Brisbane, where some of our lucky team have spent time helping set up the office for our cousins down under. And finally our very own Graeme who has returned to his native South Africa to open the South African office in Johannesburg.


We as a team have been set a challenge to exercise our way to Brisbane  via our other world wide offices, all within a set time limit and the team managed to complete the first stage by the 11th January from our head office to Dublin and now it’s time to head on down to South Africa.



I will be honest and say, I have only just signed up so yet to contribute, today will be my first day, but I am on board. The naughty food from the holiday season has all gone, the nutri bullet is ready to go and my bumpers are ready to see some action.

So wish me luck, as this will not be an easy start for me as I cannot remember the last time I exercised!!

Plus I only have 4 weeks before my next cruise.. arghhhhh






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About Me

I have worked in the travel industry from the age of 15 stacking brochures and making tea at a local Thomas Cook shop, I absolutely loved it and this was the start of my fascination with travel. I went full time into travel at the age of 17 in June…

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