
After an amazing time in Chaing Mai we were off again this time flying down to Phuket.
Some of you may remember our colleague Nik Burling well he moved to Phuket in 2011 so we couldn’t go to Thailand and not pop in for a visit!
In comparison Phuket was a lot more expensive than Chaing Mai but Nik managed to get us a great deal at his friend’s place The Presley Guest house.
Yes you guessed it the owners are huge Elvis fans and have him playing constantly in the bar/restaurant area. It was a bit much for us but we didn’t spend that much time there so it was bearable and the accommodation was nice.
It seems Phuket is not everyone’s cup of tea and I had heard a lot of negatives things before we went but we had a great time visiting Nik’s local haunts and getting to know the locals. A weekend was enough for us though and on Monday morning we caught the ferry to Phi Phi.
                                                        (Presley Guest House)

Apologies for not many pics from Phuket but it was a wild weekend so I have had to sensor most of them!!

Next to come Phi Phi & Krabi

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I've been at since 2007 and I love what I do! I spend my days organising people's dream holidays. What could be better? I have a passion for travel and have been to many places all over the world. So if you would like advice from a consultant with a…

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