New Year, New You – Think Blu

Happy New Year to everyone I hope you all had a wonderful time and enjoyed the Christmas break. Now how many of you have been nibbling at the twiglets and munching on the chocolate roses???? Well if like me then Christmas is one of those times of year when you over indulge and everything revolves around goodies and treats and lovely lovely food. January is typically the time of year when everyone has a resolution and one of the biggest is to go on a diet and lose a bit of weight. If you have decided that 2012 is going to be the time where you lose a few pounds and live a bit more of a healthy lifestyle then a fantastic choice for your next holiday would be a celebrity cruise which features the blu restaurant.


If you are sailing on the Solstice class of ships with Celebrity and book into an Aqua class suite then you can dine in the Blu Restuarant for breakfast and dinner. The design of the restaurant is very modern, light and airy and has a menu that has been dubbed ‘clean cuisine’ which basically means that everything on the menu is a lot healthier and good for you.

Along with the healthy menu in the blu restaurant you can also work out in the gym which features a variety of cardio and core training equipment. They include stationary bikes, rowing machines, treadmills and free weights. The machines are positioned so you face those floor to ceiling windows for a perfect ocean view as you burn off the calories. Also you can participate in yoga, Pilates, spinning and aerobics for a small fee. After your little workout you can then go and relax in the aqua spa pool and chill out- after all don’t forget you are still on holiday.

One Comment on “New Year, New You – Think Blu

  1. In body building competitions, the contestants are evaluated in their overall appearance and general fitness. Most bodybuilders are careful about what they eat and tend to favor a diet rich in protein which is required to abdominal exercise. Eating properly helps anyone interested in body building to exceed in their discipline while feeling healthy.

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I have been working in the Travel Industry for 16 years and originally started out in Business travel. After doing this for a while I was given an opportunity to move into the cruising industry and haven't looked back since. I thoroughly enjoy my job and can't think of anything…

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