Saved by your handbag !!




I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read this story a few days ago about a British holiday maker making a swim for it to catch up her departed cruise ship. I’ve ran for the bus a couple of times or a train pulling out of the station but swimming for a cruise ship takes it to another level.

Apparently the lady had had a big bust up with her hubby and had stormed off to the airport to travel home.

While at the airport she had a change of heart and after seeing the ship, which was the cruise and Maritime Marco Polo, sail past the coastal runway she decided the sensible thing to do was to jump in after it and catch up.

I find it bizarre to say the least but if she had of made it to the ship how on earth did she think she was going to get on board??? Maybe she envisioned them throwing down a wooden ladder to her.

She must have been quite a fit lady and fare play to her as she made it a good 500 meters before she was picked up by local fisherman, using her handbag as a float and suffering from hypothermia.

She was very lucky to have survived in my opinion as being in the icy waters for three hours would take its toll on anyone. She is supposed to be making a good recovery in hospital now which is good news and it has been revealed that the husband has since flown home.

I think this is a lesson learnt to any Waring couples out there , if you’ve had a blazing row maybe go to the pool bar have a couple of cocktails and chill out and then head back to the cabin to make your apologies. So much easier then trying to go head to head with a cruise ship and a lot safer than getting any water damage on your beloved handbag!!

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I have been working in the Travel Industry for 16 years and originally started out in Business travel. After doing this for a while I was given an opportunity to move into the cruising industry and haven't looked back since. I thoroughly enjoy my job and can't think of anything…

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